This story has no name, and actually, no story either.
The setting takes place decades after a zombie apocalypse hit the earth.
Stories about zombies are now legends and the new generations don't believe them,
there is no more oil, remains of cars are used as shelter or as pieces to build stuff,
there are no more guns produced, so the ones left are meant for the army and
common people have to restore to swords, in a lot of ways life has gone back to be
like in the past, but some other new technologies have emerged.
It all starts in a village, a little kid has a great grandmother who was alive
at the time of the zombie apocalypse, she tells them stories and doesn't go to sleep
without a shotgun by her side, but almost everybody dismiss her as being senile.
The little kid then goes to play and wanders off away from the village, and eventually
finds the remains of an old zombie still alive trapped in a cave.
The village is usually visited by missionaries, they ride horses, dress like
knights and the kids love them, they usually come once a year to teach the kids
and play with them, and give some help to the adults as well.
One of the missionaries is Scheiffer, a young noble man who is extremely servicial.
Scheiffer is the little kid's favorite missionary and they end up going on the adventure together.

Scheiffer has a younger brother, Alan, who is a racing pilot of some electric
vehicles developed in the future for entertainment. Alan is reckless and
quite the opposite of Scheiffer, he's always resented how his older brother
is all noble and everybody loves him, but agrees to help him on the quest.
Scheiffer, on the other hand, thinks his brother is wasting away his life not
doing something he finds useful, but loves him anyway.
At some point they need the help of The Blademaster, whose real name nobody knows.
The Blademaster is an army veteran who specializes on all weapons but,
despite her nickname, is far better with guns than with swords.
She has a local weapon shop on the city, everybody thinks she's awesome and
would love to be like her, but she actually despises her job.
She wanted to be a rap star, but was forced to join the army at 18 when a
war started since she was the oldest child, she spent years in the army
away from her family and when she came back she found out her younger sister,
Natalie, actually became a pop star, which led her to despise her for stealing her dream.
La buena noticia es que empecé, para entretenerme, esta historia en cómic en 2020 sin ningún intento
de hacerla bien, solo dibujar y que fluya, la mala es que no sé si la voy a terminar.
La historia toma lugar tiempo después del apocalipsis zombie, cuando la sociedad medio ya se reconstruyó.
Se cuentan historias de esos tiempos pero muchos ya no creen que hayan sido reales, ya no existe la gasolina
así que los carros están arrumbados y se usan de refugio o por sus partes, ya no se fabrican armas de fuego
así que las que quedan son muy valiosas.
Todo comienza en una aldea, con una niña a cuya abuela le tocaron los zombies de chiquita, la abuela siempre
tiene su escopeta con ella y les cuenta historias sobre zombies que los niños no se creen del todo, hasta que un día van
a explorar el bosque y se encuentran con uno.
A la aldea regularmente van misioneros, llegan a caballo, traen ropa elegante y los niños los admiran. Uno de esos misioneros
es Scheiffer, quien es muy amable, recto y servicial, él termina rescatando a la niña de los zombies y comienzan la aventura.
Scheiffer tiene un hermano menor, Alan, quien es corredor de carros de carreras eléctricos. Alan siempre lo ha resentido
por ser el hijo perfecto, pero eventualmente lo necesitan para su aventura.
Otro personaje es la Blademaster, una muchacha veterana de guerra que se especializa en todo tipo de armas, aunque, a pesar
de su nombre, es mejor con las armas de fuego que con los filos. Todo mundo cree que tiene el trabajo más emocionante del
mundo pero ella está frustrada porque su sueño era ser rapera, sin embargo se tuvo que ir a la guerra, mientras su hermana
menor sí logró convertirse en Natalia! la sensación pop del momento en ese universo.